

Ad Networks

Ad Networks mean companies specialized in attracting Internet sites to sell their advertising spaces to advertisers, media centers and advertising agencies.
There are networks which offer specific formats, such as video, and others which work vertically, grouping Sites of the same category or subject such as children, women, sports, music, among others.


Ad Server

Ad Server means the software used to manage the advertising campaigns on the Internet. It provides reports with real-time statistics about the performance of the advertising campaigns (Prints, Clicks, Conversions, CTRs, among others). Moreover, it enables segmentation variables such as type of browser used by the user, time of day when he accesses, frequency, time spent on the site, etc.



Adwords mean an “auction” system created by Google to sell ads in its search engine. It reports about 20,000 million dollars in revenues annually. Source: Clarín Newspaper.


Affiliate Networks

Affiliate Networks, also known as affiliate programs or referral programs, are online platforms where advertisers (who want to advertise their brand, products or services) contact with Websites of any type and size (which want to include advertising and thus obtain revenues.) The affiliate network earns a commission for such service.



Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX) is a technique used to create interactive applications or RIA (Rich Internet Applications). Thanks to these applications, it is possible to make changes in the pages of a Website and it isn’t necessary to reload them.



Back-end means the part where data are uploaded to feed the front-end (the part of the software interacting with the user/s.)



Search Engine launched by Microsoft in June 2009. It is promoted as a smart search engine, which helps in the decision-making process. According to its description, it searches and organizes the answers that the user needs for making faster and better informed decisions.



Blog, also known as “binnacle”, is a Website regularly updated that chronologically collects texts or articles from one or more authors. The latest text or article appears first and the author always retains the freedom to leave posted what it deems appropriate.



Branding means a brand creation and management process, by means of the strategic administration of all the assets directly or indirectly related to the name and/or symbol (icon) that identifies the brand.



Browser means the program that interprets the code used to write the Webpage and shows it on the screen, allowing the user to interact with its content and browse to other places of the network through links or hyperlinks. Some of the most popular browsers are Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.



The user’s browser and/or proxy server of the company’s network temporarily store pages in the memory to reduce traffic and faster display the pages that have been previously visited.

Community Manager

The Community Manager, also called Online Community Manager, has a developing professional role. The person in the position is in charge of Building, Managing and Making online communities working in relation to a certain “Brand” or “Cause” Grow and moderating contents and approving posts.



Connectors are active Internet users having active Social Networks larger than the average. Accordingly, they become a key factor at the time of “viralizing” campaigns.



See Conversion Rate.
The PPC conversion rate is the relation between the clicks and the number of times that the ad was shown (prints). The percentage of users who finally purchase or make a desired action (for example, subscribing to a distribution list) in their visits to a Website is also called Conversion.



The PPC conversion rate is the relationship between the clicks and the number of times that the ad was shown (prints). The percentage of users who finally purchase or make a desired action (for example, subscribing to a distribution list) in their visits to a Website is also called Conversion.


CPA (Cost per Acquisition)

CPA means a hiring model of Online Advertising by which the advertiser only pays when a purchase is made on its Web. This model is generally used in online stores. This model involves that the user has completely visited the Site, from the first entry to the purchase.


CPC (Cost per Click)

Ver PPC (Pay per Click).


CPL (Cost per Lead)

CPL means a hiring model of Online Advertising by which the advertiser only pays when the user makes a click in the ad and also makes another action such as registering in a form, subscribing in a Newsletter or another action. It is a method frequently used to collect information about a user to subsequently turn him into a Client.


CPM (Cost per 1,000 prints)

CPM is the Online Advertising Hiring System by which the advertiser pays a fixed cost agreed when the user sees the online ad on the site he is visiting. It is measured every 1,000 prints.


CTR (Click Through Rate)

CTR is the percentage of users who Click on a Link, compared to all users who see the Link. For example, if in a certain search -in which a number of suggested Websites appear- on the Internet made by 100 people, 35 people Click on a certain Link, such advertised Link will have a CTR of 35%.



Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a file serving as a template, in which the different styles of the Website elements are defined.


Data Mining (Minería de Datos)

Data Mining means the extraction of Information Patterns as from collected data.


Delicious is a social network specialized in bookmarks, which allows users to save, share and discover links to Websites.



Typographic unit of measure frequently used in digital media due to its scalable value, which allows users to define the font size for texts.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) FAQs mean Frequently Asked Questions.



Short for Favorites Icon. It is the Website icon (bookmark icon). Favicons are displayed in most browsers. It is a small square of 16 x 16 pixels installed in the root directory of the Website.



Filter (hardware or software) between the computer and the network, or the network and the Internet, limiting possible connections through logical ports.



Front-end means the part of the software interacting with the user/s and back-end means the part where data are uploaded to feed the front-end.


Generación Y

Generation Y means the demographic group following Generation X, including people born between 1982 and 1992. They are people who daily use the Internet and spend at least 20 weekly hours online. Digital natives are those people who were born by the end of the last millennium, especially as of the 21st century, when digital technology was fully installed. Computers, mobile phones and MP3 readers are natural elements of their environment and they cannot imagine life without them in the same way that previous generations couldn’t imagine life without electricity.


Google Analytics

Free Website statistics service offered by Google. It makes it possible to collect, see and analyze data about the Website traffic by means of the addition of a basic JavaScript fragment on the site.


Influence Index

Single format number used to identify a Website or computer.
Through the IP, you can know from which country the Web is accessed and, in certain countries, from which state/province and/or city.



Internet Service Provider.


Influence Index

Influence Index means an indicator combining different metrics to determine the level of influence of a certain source in the online reputation of a certain brand or organization.



Internet Service Provider.



Scripting based on objects. It’s mainly used embedded in a Web browser and makes it possible to develop improved user interfaces and dynamic Webpages.



Keyword used in meta tags to help search engines to find the Webpage.


KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

Selected key indicators to measure progress of factors indicated as key for the organization.


Landing Page

Landing page means the first page reached by the user after clicking on a banner or ad.


Mail to

It is a function which allows automatically opening an electronic mail predetermined by the user.


Meta Tags

Meta Tags mean HTML characters that give search engines the words to find the pages which have them.


Natural Born Sellers

Natural Born Sellers are people characterized by their charisma and communication capacity -which are essential in viral processes- on social networks.



Organic Results

Online Reputation Management (ORM) Organic Results, also called natural results, are the list of results that the search engines show in their searches that are not sponsored by an advertiser. In other words, results that have not been paid. In this case, the sites or documents only appear because the search engine considers them relevant, regardless of who paid in the sponsored links section. These results frequently answer to an active work of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).



PageRank makes an objective measurement of Webpages relevance. For that purpose, it solves an equation containing more than 500 million of variables and 2,000 million of words. Instead of having direct links, PageRank interprets a link of Page A to Page B as a vote received by Page B from Page A. Thus, PageRank assesses the relevance of a certain page by counting the number of votes received.


Pop Up

Small screen appearing automatically while user enters a Webpage, without requesting it.



Post means the publication of an article in a Blog.


PPC (Pay per Click)

PPC means the Online Advertising Hiring System by which the advertiser pays every time a Click is made on the ad. It’s also known as Cost per Click or CPC.



Print means every time a Banner is displayed on a Website, regardless of the action made by the user. The standard measurement of online advertising is measured in CPM (Cost per 1,000 prints).


Return On Investment

Return On Investment means the relation between the revenues obtained from the advertising campaign and its cost. Although it’s almost impossible to make an accurate calculation, a follow-up can be made of users who enter the Website through ads to estimate how many clicks turn into sales.


RSS Feed

RSS Feed means a disclosure format for sharing certain texts and contents in a simple way.


Return On Investment (ROI)

Return On Investment means the relation between the revenues obtained from the advertising campaign and its cost. Although it’s almost impossible to make an accurate calculation, a follow-up can be made of users who enter the Website through ads to estimate how many clicks turn into sales.




Second Life

3D virtual world created by Linden Lab and distributed in a wide network of servers that can be used through Internet. This program provides users or “residents” with tools to modify the world and participate in its virtual economy, which operates as a real market.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Significa SEM means the implementation and management of advertising campaigns (generally, pay per click or PPC) on Internet search engines. It’s also called “Search Engine Advertising”.



Search Engine Optimization (SEO)means the result of the data recovery in the database of the big Internet search engines as a result of the use of search algorithms in the software.

Social Media

Social Media are content publishing platforms where sender and receiver merge in features and capabilities. They are spaces to discuss where the brand may be introduced, understanding and accepting the rules of the game.
Two main principles:
1) The user is the center
2) Content is the king
Social networks may be specially used for: Branding – CRM – SEO.



SPAM is the practice of sending unsolicited, unwanted or unknown sender email messages, frequently with commercial content, in large quantities. Generally, SPAM is sent by email, although it may be sent by other supports such as instant messaging or mobile telephone.



Secure Socket Layer (SSL)is a security protocol, which shows a padlock in the browser when you enter the Site. It tells visitors that the information exchanged in these Webpages will not be intercepted by anybody.


Single Users

Single Users represent the number of unduplicated users (counted only once) who have entered a certain Website during the course of certain time period.



Tags are labels used to mark elements or groups of elements (contents, pages, comments.)



Representation by means of a timeline of a series of planned events with a certain purpose.



Virality means the result of the “Viral Marketing”, which is a term used to refer to marketing techniques aimed at developing Social Networks and other electronic media to produce exponential increments in “Brand Awareness”, by means of self-replicating viral processes similar to the expansion of an IT virus.



World Wide Web Consortium is an international consortium where member organizations and the general public work together to develop Web standards. Its mission is to lead the Web towards its maximum potential through the development of protocols and guidelines that ensure the future growth of the Web.



Wiki is a term coming from a Hawaian word that means “fast” and is used to name collaborative work sites (for example, Wikipedia.)



HTML Editors (What You See Is What You Get) wwith a menu similar to Word. What you see when you write is what you get when it is displayed through HTML.(What You See Is What You Get) with a menu similar to Word. What you see when you write is what you get when it is displayed through HTML.